Project_labelling class ----------------------- Phenopype labelling projects are compact versions of regular phenopype projects, suitable for rapid labelling of images using a key-map. After creating a labelling project, the data folder contains images, labels, and backup-files; the export folder contains the exported csv-files. .. code-block:: python import phenopype as pp proj = pp.Project_labelling(root_dir=r"my_labelling_project") proj.add_files(r"my-data", recursive=True)"v1", config_path=r"templates\template_labelling1.yaml", label_position=(0.1,0.1), skip=False) proj.export(tag="v1", overwrite=True, category_column=True) ## after closing Python, the project can be accessed by simply using Project class again: proj = pp.Project_labelling(root_dir=r"labelling_test") Above code creates a folder structure as follows: .. code-block:: bash my_labelling_project\ data\ images.json v1_labels.json export\ v1_labels.csv my-data scripts templates\ template_labelling1.yaml manuscript figures ... .. autoclass:: phenopype.main.Project_labelling :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: